Monday, December 20, 2010

Goodbye Goteborg!

Well here it goes my last blog post.  I am currently on the plane back to Chicago trying to write a take home exam and all I can think about is the amazing 4 months that I have had.  Memories of trips, friends and activities in Gothenburg are fluttering around my mind.  I am truly grateful and blessed to have had this experience.  Not only did Gothenburg become my home, but I created friendships with people from all over the world that will last a lifetime.  My friends from Canada, Spain, Germany, Australia and Japan (just to name a few) really made the experience truly amazing.  I will miss them terribly, but know that we will all see each other soon.  These just add to my long list of places that I want to visit in my life.  First stop, Barcelona in June! (My family is going on a cruise where we end in Barcelona and I just conveniently have a few friends who live in Spain J).

Alright enough with the mushy stuff or else I will start crying all over my computer.  These amazing friends that I have been telling you all about and I have been EXTREMELY busy these past few weeks.  We wanted to really utilize our time together in Gothenburg.  This means we did countless fikas, dinners out together, dinners in together (always with a Spanish omelet or chicken).  We also did some Swedish “cultural activities”.  We went to a hockey game where the Frolunda Indians (Gothenburg team and formal team of Blackhawks player Viktor Stahlberg) beat their rival Linkoping in a really exciting game!  The girls and I went to the Gothenburg Opera.  Although it was a bit modern and not an opera, it was still a really amazing experience.  In addition to all of our outings we took advantage of the Christmas season in Sweden.  We went to multiple Christmas markets, saw a Santa Lucia concert, and watched a really wacky Christmas film on the side of the art museum.  My last few weeks were consumed with doing some last minute shopping, spending every precious moment with my friends, and trying to figure out how on Earth I would get all of my stuff home.  I also did some schoolwork in there! 

No other experience in the world will compare to my months in Sweden.  I am a truly lucky girl to have been in such an amazing city in an amazing country with amazing friends.  I know that we will all be together soon enough (reunion in the US or Canada!!!)

So with this my faithful blog readers I say goodbye to my months of blogging.  Thank you all for reading!  I hope that I gave you a vivid picture of my life, but I don’t think my words could ever fully describe how much fun I had or how much I loved Gothenburg and my friends.  

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